Website statistics

The site is field-specific and provides information to a small circle of professionals and readers interested in the electronic components market in Russia

1. Linkedin
1600 contacts and followers in the personal profile.
800 followers on the company’s page.
Followers’ demographic information according to Linkedin.

Top popular positions

% followers





Business development


Operating activities


Product management


Procurement and supply


Personnel administration


Design and development


Information technologies


Scientific research



Top popular levels of seniority

% followers



Head specialist




Mid-level executive


Vice President


Senior executive manager







Top popular branches

% followers

Electrical equipment and electronics


Semiconductor technologies


Information technologies and services


Production automation


Personnel administration and staff recruitment


Wireless technologies




Logistics and supply chains


Engine and machine-tool building


Medical equipment



  1. Subscription to the website.
    1000 subscribers. For registration no official information, age required.

  2. Website traffic.
     2020, the website was visited by 7882 unique users.
    The Russian- and English-speaking users ratio is 70/30%
    Age: 18-24 years 8%, 25-34 years 33%, 35-44 years 29%, older than 44 years 30%

  3. Top widely-read website pages.
    LED market in Russia
    Top distributors of global electronic components in Russia
    Texas Instruments in Russia. Revolution or opportunities
    The Russian market profile by connector manufacturers
    Top distributors of global electronic components in Russia
    Microcontroller market in Russia
    The market of power supply units in Russia